Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Law breakers make laws - it is unethical

It is unethical. Law breakers making laws for themselves. MPs amd MLAs make laws for their disqualifuication in the event of holding offices of profit. MPs or MLAs know the law of disqualification when they assume a office of profit, but they ignore the law and violate it. When the violation becomes public they talk of changing the law so that their law violation becomes legal. These MPs and MLAs represent the people of India. Has any one of them tried to find out what people think about their move to change the law? Then there are some who wish to be seen as role models for the society. Is this the moral they want to set examples of and want people to follow?

Delhi government and UPA government at the center are talking of changing the existing law to make legal their illegal occupation of office of profit. It is being claimed that all political parties are backing their move. Rather feeling ashamed of their misconduct they are seen on TV talking about it as they are going to do a great service to Indian society and nation. What happened to the sacrifice congress chief made by resigning her LS seat? What will happen to the disqualification of Jaya Bachchan? What will happen to the observations SC has made while rejecting her appeal against the disqualification?

If congress MPs and MLas have any respect for their leader they should all resign and seek re-election. Mrs. Sonia Gandhi should not accept any office of profit after getting re-elected to LS. If she accpets any office, which has been made office of no-profit by the proposed illegal amendment, then it will be a mockery of the sacrifice she has made.]

The only amendment needed to this law should be to include every office in the disqualification list. These politicians claim that they have joined politics to serve the people. It is time they act according to their claim. Stop self-service and start public-service.


Anonymous said...

Another unethical practice these MPs and MLAs are ebgeged in, is deciding their own salaries and perks. There should be some mechanism where people are also involved in decision taking related to perks and salries of their representatives.

Unknown said...

Parliament has passed the bill for unethical governance. By this bill illegal practices of MPs and MLAs in holding offices of profit have become legal. A MP can give and receive bribe in LS and RS. Now PM can give bribe in the form of chairperson of an office of no-profit to any MP for a favour. A MP can increase his salary and allownces and other perks. In short India has two laws, one for common people and other for their representatives. LAW BREAKERS ARE MAKING LAWS FOR THEMSELVES.

Apun Ka Desh said...

According to Outlook Survey - 1 in every 5 parliamentarians have criminal antecedents. What can you expect under such circumstances.

Heard of this new party called LokSatta in Andhra Pradesh. Looks promising.

How can we elect better people

Anonymous said...

To elect better people, voters wll have to become better voters. First, voters should cast their vote. Second, they should cast a positive vote. This will elect only better people.

Unknown said...

Politicians have poisoned voters mind on religion, castes and other divisive factors. Voters do not think and vote en-block. In the process, criminals get elected and become honourable members of the lgislature.

If people want honest people to enter legislatures, they will have to rise above narrow considerations and vote positively for people with merits.